Telecom sector is one of the fastest growing in the economy, expanding at an annual average of 22 per cent over the last few years with cellular phone connections alone growing at 100 per cent.Customers rely on connectivity and communication services to be up and running at all times, any blip in availability can cause widespread business disruption. The briefest amount of downtime has a significant impact on business’s. Behind every smoothly running telecom setup and wireless network, there should be a reliable power infrastructure. The telecom sector has been experiencing skyrocketing demand for new wireless products, and in the scramble to meet these demands, there has been a massive demand for backup power solutions. Power backup sources that satisfy multiple requirements—reliability, flexibility, durability, and cost effectiveness.
The telecom industry is dynamic, with significant demands on power. The backup power solution required depends on the applications and requirements of the network. As the market leaders in Telecom UPS systems, Supreme offers a full range of power supply solutions to keep your business operating efficiently at all times. Having the right UPS in the telecom industry is absolutely crucial for operations. The right telecom system UPS should be durable, flexible, reliable and cost-effective for operators. Power interruptions can be detrimental to both the business and its customers, resulting in lost revenue, loss of backup data and damage to the business’ reputation. In the event of a power disturbance, having the right UPS can provide your critical devices with enough time to backup data and ensure minimal damage to your network systems.
Our range of UPS systems have the capacity to power data centers, offices and other purposes. Telecom sites, particularly those in rural areas, can face power outages and require a heavy duty solution to ensure power stability and continuity. When it comes to mobile towers, power saving aspects are highly valued by operators. Towers are fitted with transmitters, air conditioners, generators and power supply-related equipment, with operators seeking to eliminate downtime while ensuring minimum power wastage. In such instances, choosing an eco-friendly Supreme UPS system with high efficiency may be an option for telecom operators.